Sand Blasting

Sand Blasting with MidAmerica Service Solutions

Professional Sandblasting Services To Get Your Facility And Equipment In Prime Condition.

As a business owner, you know that not only do clean industrial equipment and commercial facilities run more optimally, but they look more professional as well.

The Problems:

When buildings or equipment start looking dirty or rusty, problems begin…

  • Looks unprofessional: dirty equipment reflects poorly on you. Just how can your customers trust you to do a quality job for them if you don’t hold yourself to the same standard?
  • Slower turn around time: Jobs take longer with sub-par equipment and longer turn around times mean unhappy customers
  • Waiting too long can cost you: Rusty buildings, structures, or equipment will eventually mean costly repairs from damage or replacement 
  • Replacement doesn’t have to be an option: Replacing storage tanks or manufacturing equipment with new is not fiscally feasible or responsible. 
The Solution:

Sand blasting services by Mid America can help restore your equipment and get them looking like new. Whether you need to remove rust, oil, grime or grease from your equipment or surface preparation for painting or your storage tank coatings, we’ve got you covered. 

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